♡ 79 ( +1 | -1 ) Albert EinsteinYes he did play chess occasionally, here is one game:
The great intellectual was interested in chess, and for many years he was a friend of the German world champion Emanuel Lasker. But when the two met they would spend more time discussing mathematics and philosophy than chess. Occasionally Einstein would actually play a game, as the following game against the physicist Robert Oppenheimer (one of the �fathers� of the atomic bomb) documents. It is a wild encounter between two of the world�s leading scientists.
♡ 116 ( +1 | -1 ) Edifying and yet disturbing...Einstein played pretty well, apparently, though I didn't like the look of that 8 a4 at all...exactly the sort of move I always find myself making in the Ruy Lopez, and pretty much always wrong. But what about Oppenheimer?? I don't entirely know what to make of that--*I* could have probably given him, a highly esteemed intellectual, a memorable beat-down, and that seems weird somehow.
Not as weird, however, not nearly as weird as the fact that marijuana activist and sometime comedian Woody Harrelson appears to have played Kasparov to a draw in 1999. (Though it should be said that the record shows him receiving some "consultations" from Yasser Seirawan. Nevertheless...would someone tell me how I could get my name attached to a Garry draw?)